Preventing Dental Emergencies

You may never have to make a trip to an emergency dentist in your lifetime, especially if you look after your teeth, however some emergencies can occur through unexpected circumstances that don’t revolve around oral hygiene. In these cases, it is always best to try and avoid situations that may cause an emergency scenario, or at least be prepared for them.

The first step in your preparation is to make sure you already know if your dentist provides after-hour emergency care, or that you know the number and location of an emergency dentist. This way, when something does happen, no time is wasted in addressing your problem.

It is also important to be more aware of common situations that can lead to accidents. Reducing dental injury and the need for emergency treatment can come from being more careful of the following:

  • Tripping and falling - Especially in the home, falling over can cause facial and dental injury. This can be avoided by clearing walkways and not leaving shoes, or any objects, in dangerous places, like the top of the stairs. It’s also a good idea to make sure no wires or cords are left across the floor.
  • Hard furniture edges - This is a general concern, but more important when concerning young children. Young children learning to walk, or active children, can bump into sharp furniture edges that can chip and knock out teeth. Childproofing your home with coverings is the best way to avoid this problem.
  • Eating - Regularly eating hard foodstuffs can cause unnecessary damage you teeth. In some cases, through absentmindedness, injury can occur through biting down and cracking teeth on metal cutlery.
  • Bottle Caps - Opening bottles with your teeth is highly discouraged.
  • Sport without protection - Many people play fast-paced contact sports without any form of helmet or mouth guard. Wearing one or both of these protective items can decrease the risk of tooth damage or loss.

Emergency Dentists carry out procedures to treat a number of various problems, and each one can be prevented or prepared for in differing ways. If cracked teeth or damaged teeth are already an issue then maintained extra care of them is essential and making sure fillings or other treatments are checked on. As with all dental problems, poor oral hygiene is a major factor. Maintaining good oral hygiene can prevent gum disease and bacteria build-up that can otherwise lead to teeth becoming loose or unnecessarily damaged.